Developing Organizations

We offer technical knowledge to help develop your organization. With a background in development aid, humanitarian work, and entrepreneurship we have a background that allows us to find solutions regardless of the circumstances.

Training and capacity building is at the core of what we do. This is because we believe that good standards are essential for all organizations that will result in sustainable growth.

You can read more about Bethics on our About page.

Key Services

At Bethics, we take great pride in offering a range of key services that are essential for fulfilling our mission and achieving our goals. We believe that our services are the backbone of our organization and represent the primary means by which we create value for our clients and stakeholders.


Management icon

Leadership Development, Decision-Making Processes, Gender Equity, Sustainability, and Business Ethics

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Organizational Development

organizational development

Human Resources strengthening, Business Planning, and day-to-day management of your organization.

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Website development, electronic marketing, Social Media, electronic infrastructure. 

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Workshops and Training

workshops and trainings

Bethics offers workshops and training in several areas for your organization.

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